I really like the idea of using black or almost black as a wall accent color. I have used it in my home and absolutely love it. Here is a photo of my bedroom with one wall painted black. The wall is actually glazed and there is a fine texture on the wall. But because it is subtle it is hard to see in the photo. The bed looks like it is floating because of the black bed skirt and the black ground carpet. The room is dramatic and inviting.

Black Glaze on One Wall in Master Bedroom
I think it takes courage to paint walls black and because it is scary most people are too nervous to try it. But as I tell clients who are afraid to paint any color they have never considered before, “It’s only paint and can be repainted if you don’t like it”. Paint is the least expensive way to change the look and feeling of a room. Of course the room’s decor must be designed to include black as an accent wall or used on all the walls. And, I also don’t use pure black but recommend using shades of dark dark grey or almost black. These shades of grey add sophistication and drama.